Weekly AI and NLP News — March 27th 2023

ChatGPT Plugins, Stable Diffusion Reimagine, and Bard

Here are your weekly articles, guides, and news about NLP and AI chosen for you by NLPlanet!

😎 News From The Web

  • ChatGPT plugins. ChatGPT testing new plugins with select users before launching for widespread use. Features from Wolfram, Slack, and Expedia have been created.

  • The AI-powered storytelling format. Tome is an AI-powered storytelling platform that allows users to explain complex topics using narration and embeds from other sources.

  • Stable Diffusion Reimagine — Stability AI. Stability.ai's Stable Diffusion Reimagine uses AI to make new images from originals. It has limits and biases, but will soon be open-sourced for betterment.

  • GitHub Copilot X: The AI-powered developer experience. GitHub unveils GitHub Copilot X, a developer experience that uses OpenAI's GPT-4 to provide a chat interface, and voice-to-code AI.

  • Meet Bard. Bard is a Google AI experiment aiming to improve creativity and productivity by collaborating with users.

  • Releasing Alpaca-30B. Article explains release of Alpaca-30B, "instruction-tuned" version of Facebook's Llama model, benefits of fine-tuning, usage steps and community involvement.

  • Gen-2 by Runway. Gen-2 by Runway is an AI tool that can synthesize new videos using only an image, text prompt, or words without needing a camera or lights.

  • Introducing Mozilla.ai: Investing in trustworthy AI. Mozilla creates startup Mozilla.ai with $30m initial investment, led by AI expert Moez Draief. They focus on generative AI and people-centric systems.

📚 Guides From The Web

🔬 Interesting Papers and Repositories

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